Better breathing. Get more performance with these drills!
Reading time 3 min

Better breathing. Get more performance with these drills!

A guest contribution about breathing in soccer by our expert Mirko Eckert

Around 20,000 breaths a day — with the size of the number, the relevance of breathing is immediately obvious. Or what other movement do you do 20,000 times a day? With our breathing, we supply our body and brain with oxygen.

A deep breathing cycle involves well over 30 muscles. The most well-known respiratory muscle and primary muscle of inhalation is the diaphragm.

In addition to the lungs, this is directly connected to the spine, chest, heart and internal organs.

The associated passive movement of the organs is also one of the essential functions of respiration.

Breathing efficiency

Basically, breathing patterns can be more or less efficient. Respiratory diseases, flu-like infections or injuries or restrictions of the ribs and spine can lead to long-term adjustments to the respiratory pattern within just a few days due to the large number of repetitions.

Excessive respiratory rate, shallow breathing and “stress breathing” are the result.

As”Stress breathing“This refers to the continuous use of respiratory muscles, even during low-intensity loads. This is reflected in raising and lowering the shoulders and upper chest instead of deeper abdominal breathing.

The consequences are a permanently increased stress level in the body and the overexertion of the said muscles, leading to dysfunctions and soreness can lead.

In addition, accelerated respiration leads to a reduction in the carbon dioxide concentration (CO2) in the blood, which in turn results in an increase in the pH level. The low CO2 concentration results in a constriction (constriction) of the brain vessels, which means that the brain cannot be adequately supplied with oxygen.

We therefore recommend that everyone regularly integrate respiratory training into training and everyday life.

Breathing training — the natural booster for your brain

We can either breathe completely subconsciously or consciously.

No matter which of the countless breathing techniques and philosophies you follow, they all have one thing in common — the awareness of breathing.

Conscious breathing training activates the entire brain and therefore acts as a first-class natural booster for your training.

Our brain essentially needs two things to function: propellant (glucose & oxygen) and capitalization.

Did you know that although your brain only accounts for around 2% of your body mass, it consumes 20-25% of all oxygen it absorbs?

A well-supplied brain with blood and fuel means improved focus for your training.

Breathing exercises for soccer warm up

Unless otherwise described, you should inhale and exhale through your nose during all exercises, the same applies to everyday life.

Breathing through the nose promotes the production of nitric oxide (NO), which results in widening of the vessels and thus better blood flow to skeletal muscles.

In addition, the air is warmed up, moistened and purified through the nose before it flows into the lungs.

If you have extreme side effects such as dizziness, chest pain, severe heart throbbing, muscle spasms, or numbness, please consult a doctor.

Exercise 1: Diaphragm stretch/
Stretch diaphragm

The activation and stretching of the diaphragm — as our primary muscle of inhalation — can occur directly in a improved efficiency of respiratory mechanics Make it noticeable.

Get into a half-kneeling position and extend your fingertips as far up as possible, extending the center of your body.

Breathe in deeply through your nose and then exhale maximally while holding the position.

The diaphragm stretches during exhalation. Therefore, try to squeeze all air out of your lungs.

Mache 5-6 repetitions per side

Exercise 2: Maximum Inhalation & Exhalation/
Seated Breathing

The powerful maximum inhale and exhale ensures that your activates respiratory muscles and your brain is flooded with oxygen.

Breathe in maximally through your nose and maximally out through your mouth.

Feel yourself actively using the muscles of the trunk to support the process of breathing.

Nehme 10-20 maximum breaths.

Luftnot/ Air Hunger

The so-called air hunger drills are not only excellent exercises to activate your brain. At the same time, they also train your body's ability to cope with shortness of breath and an increase in CO², as well as to maintain control over your breathing.

This in turn benefits your endurance performance. The increase in CO2 also leads to vasodilation, an expansion of blood vessels, in the brain, which ensures a better oxygen supply.

Exercises in shortness of breath are characterized by holding your breath (English retention). You can hold your breath while still or under stress, which speeds up the effects. We'll show you different versions

Exercise 3: Shortness of breath with squatts/
Air Hunger Squat

Breathe in deeply through your nose, followed by a quick and complete exhalation.

Now hold your breath and do as many squats as possible until you feel the first urge to inhale again or a swallowing stimulus starts.
It's not about holding your breath as long as possible!

Stop the movement and take a deep breath, try to regain your normal breathing rhythm as quickly as possible. If you need more than 10 seconds, you have held your breath too long. In this case, reduce the number of repetitions next time. Once you have regained your normal breathing rhythm after 10-15 seconds, start the next session.

2-3 passes are enough for this exercise.

Exercise 4: Shortness of breath with push-up/
Air Hunger Push-Up

Start in a push-up position and inhale deeply through your nose. This is followed by a rapid and complete exhalation.

Now hold your breath and do as many push-ups as possible until you feel the first desire to inhale again or a swallowing stimulus starts.

It's not about holding your breath as long as possible!

Stop the movement and take a deep breath, try to regain your normal breathing rhythm as quickly as possible.

If you need more than 10 seconds, you have held your breath too long.

In this case, reduce the number of repetitions next time.

Once you have regained your normal breathing rhythm after 10-15 seconds, start the next session.

2-3 passes are enough for this exercise.

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Exercise 5: Intermittent hypoxia

You can integrate the shortness of breath exercises into your training and everyday life even without physical exercise. Regardless of whether you are walking, standing, sitting or lying down. Hypoxia (English: hypoxia) here means the reduction of oxygen availability/uptake.

First, breathe in and out gently through your nose.

Now hold your breath for about 15-20 seconds, you can also hold your nose.

Then, during the 10-15 second break, breathe in and out easily through your nose.

Make optimal use of this break to control your breathing rhythm again.

6 - 8 passes

Cool Down Breathing Exercises

Furthermore, our breathing is the most effective means of deliberately influencing our autonomic nervous system — the part of the nervous system that controls our autonomous and vital functions.

With the following breathing exercises, you can actively lower your sympathetic tone, i.e. the state of excitation of your sympathetic nervous system, and thus initiate your regeneration directly.

Make sure you don't jump into the cool down immediately after a high-intensity workout. Give your body a few minutes to shut down your cardiovascular system.

Exercise 6: Going out with rhythmic breathing (5-5-5)/
Breathing Walk (5-5-5)

Going out (not jogging) at moderate speed For a few minutes or simply a round around the soccer field, can take place together in both team and individual training.

Breathe in through your nose for 5 steps, exhale through your nose for 5 steps, and then pause for 5 steps before starting the next cycle. If you experience shortness of breath during the exercise and feel stressful, reduce the number of steps.

If you make progress and it becomes too easy for you, simply increase the number to up to 10 steps.

Exercise 7: Spine mobility/
Cat & Cow

Mobility exercises are great for your cool down.

In particular, the mobilization of the spine and the associated breathing in various positions complement your breathing training particularly well. Even with this exercise, you breathe exclusively through your nose.

Mache 6-8 repetitions.

Exercise 8: Lip brake/
Pursed Lip Breathing

The lip brake (English: pursed lip breathing) is an excellent tool for increasing respiratory competence and also promoting prolonged exhalation.

To do this, sit on a chair or lie on your back with your eyes closed, bend your legs and place your hands on your lower costal arches.

Then inhale deeply through your nose for 3-4 seconds followed by an exhalation twice as long (6-8 seconds) through your mouth with pursed lips. After exhalation, there is a short break (1-2 seconds).

As you inhale, be sure to expand your lower costal arch and abdomen (forward, back, sideways). Imagine breathing into a wide lumbar around your waist.

This exercise is worthwhile for 3-4 minutes at a time to carry out.

Integrating respiratory training into your routines can sometimes be a real game changer.

Improved mental focus and more efficient breathing mechanics — both at rest and during exercise — can bring your performance on the pitch and your regeneration to a higher level.

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