Getting started in the professional sector: the Trainer A license
Reading time: 3 min

Getting started in the professional sector: the Trainer A license

You have already fully entered the coaching business and have successfully completed the coaching licenses for the B-license and the DFB-Elite Youth license (or B+ license). Being a trainer gives you tremendous pleasure. The challenge of driving your team to top performance inspires you. You're ready for the next level, you dare to become a big player in the soccer business. That's when you're ready to go! The coaching license for the A-license soccer is calling. By training as an A-licensed trainer, you are taking the decisive step towards the semi-professional or fully professional level. The A license is the second-highest license level at UEFA level.


As with all other coaching licenses before, official registration with the association takes place first. The application period is only a few weeks. The easiest way to find the dates is on the homepage of the DFB or the DFB Academy. You also send your electronic application documents to the German Football Association. Only completely complete applications will be considered, but incomplete documents or individual subsequent submissions will not be considered, as the DFB points out on its website. The comprehensive application includes proof of membership in a DFB club as well as the valid B+ license (formerly DFB Elite Youth) and a coaching career of at least one year. In addition — as with previous license levels — an extended police clearance certificate and a medical certificate of fitness to practice the coaching profession (both not older than three months) must be included. A signed arbitration contract, a curriculum vitae in tabular form including your sporting career and recognition of the statutes and regulations of the DFB are also required. The complete checklist can be downloaded from the DFB Academy homepage.


After the application deadline has expired, the submitted documents will be reviewed internally by the DFB Central Administration. Applicants who have sent their documents in full will then receive an approval or rejection. The specified course date is prioritized. The respective applicant with the highest score in the entrance examination process is therefore given the place for the course to which he/she has attributed the highest priority and so on. Only after admission do you make a binding registration for the assigned course via the link sent to you. The participants should have paid their bill within 14 days, otherwise the confirmation expires. According to the DFB, the costs for the soccer trainer A license amount to 6000 euros plus 3,000 euros for food and accommodation.


Once you have completed the A-license training, many new opportunities open up. From now on, as a head coach, you canin junior teams in the A and B junior women's Bundesliga, as association sports instructorwork in a national association and as a DFB base coordinator. In the women's area, all teams up to and including the Bundesliga are open to you, and in the men's area, all teams up to and including the fourth division (currently: Regional League). Before that, however, you have seven to eight months of theoretical and practical training ahead of you. The scope of the A-license course is estimated at 360 learning units of 45 minutes each. In order to provide you with the necessary knowledge, practical and face-to-face phases alternate at the sports school. It all starts with a preliminary phase in your home club, which lasts about four weeks. This is followed by the first face-to-face phase over three days. It's then back to your club for the first application phase. This sequence is repeated until the ninth application phase and ends after approximately eight months with the completion of the contract. The training is accompanied by tasks on the online campus organized according to the blended learning format.

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Reading time: 3 min


The content for obtaining the soccer trainer A license is extensive and complex. In this way, your own personality is trained as well as how to deal with the players and the soccer game itself. The company's own organization is also promoted, as the organization in the soccer sector in general is brought closer. Behavior towards the media and cooperation with higher-level interest groups are also part of the courses. The training content summarized:

Dealing with players and playing

  • Tactical structure in standard situations, defensive, offensive and switching moments
  • Successful influence in game situations
  • Methods for leading meaningful & structured training
  • Individual coaching principles
  • Different models for the game
  • Organization of the game day
  • Rules plus resulting conclusions
  • Analytical structures and processes
  • Characteristics of different generations
  • Training the impact of social media and role models in the transition from adolescence to adulthood
  • Data analysis about the game and about the player
  • Trainer behavior in complex situations
  • Tactics and techniques in training as well as stress management (physical and psychological)
  • Performance and load tests for progressive training management


  • Identifying different roles in semi-professional soccer
  • Intrinsic motivational factors and values
  • Internal and external perception
  • A culture of discussion and the relevance of critical skills
  • furtherance
  • Means for controlling emotions in stressful situations
  • Effective time management
  • Trainer - career planning
  • Own strengths and development opportunities


  • Different structures in terms of organization in a club vs. association
  • Impact of sponsorship on associations
  • Dealing with and delegating responsibility
  • Managing a coaching staff
  • Approaches and methods for feedback
  • leadership skills
  • Effective communication with management and supervisors


Influencing factors from the player environment

Working harmoniously with higher-level stakeholders

Public appearance and appearance

Basic knowledge for conflict resolution

Did you lick blood? Can you already see the full stadiums in front of you? Then apply! With the A license, you have almost all options. And it is the last step on the way to becoming a possibly very great star trainer. But even if you don't feel like being in the big limelight, but you are very interested in soccer and all its finesse, training to become a soccer trainer A license might be the right thing for you. Your knowledge of the sport you love will definitely enrich it.

Good luck with your application!

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