Become a professional soccer player - When is it too late?
Reading time: 3 min

Become a professional soccer player - When is it too late?

Get out in the square and give it your all. Fight and burn together with your team colleagues while thousands of fans watch and cheer you on. Turn your passion into a career and finally become a professional soccer player. Does this dream sound familiar to you? It doesn't have to be a dream. Because you have a lot in your own hands. You can ensure your success in soccer. The first step is called a consignee. Set yourself the goal very clearly: I want to become a professional soccer player. And then: start! Here are a few tips that can help you do just that.


Professional soccer players play soccer full-time. So they don't have another job, but live off their soccer career. In Germany, the Bundesliga and the 2nd and 3rd leagues belong to the professional leagues. That makes a total of 56 teams. Every player on these teams is considered a professional soccer player. In addition, there is also the regional league. Although it is considered an amateur league, some clubs also offer their players professional contracts. As you can see, the chances are not that bad. Sure, you won't be called up to the national team right away, but your goal of becoming a professional soccer player is generally not completely unattainable.


Most professional players were discovered by a scout as children or adolescents and then took the classic route via a junior research center. But even if you are not twelve years old anymore, it is not yet too late and you are not yet too old to become a professional soccer player. There are a few very prominent examples of how the path to a destination can sometimes lead around a few corners.

Miroslav Klose was one of the most successful players of all internationally. But he has never seen a junior research center from the inside. Instead, after school, he began training as a carpenter. Yet he always had a dream:

He really wanted to become a professional soccer player.

While still studying, he auditioned in Kaiserslautern. With success: At the age of 21, Klose became an amateur in the second team of the 1. FC Kaiserslautern. The next step was training with the first team, where the Bundesliga coaches of the 1st FCK became aware of him.

It is therefore very important to attract the attention of the right people. Because the path to professional soccer is through scouts and coaches. But Miro Klose's example also shows that it's not enough to simply wait and hope that you'll be lucky and be discovered at some point. You must do something about it.

The moment that could change everything is not announced in advance. He's suddenly there. And then it depends on whether you can deliver to the point.

The US entertainer Harry Belafonte once said:

“It took me thirty years to become famous overnight.”

Quite often, we only see success, but not all the work that goes into it. However, this is the basic requirement for any type of success. That's why you should be well prepared when your chance to become a professional soccer player comes along.

And especially if you still decide to start a soccer career at a younger age, you should also specifically challenge such opportunities again and again — for example by signing up for trial training sessions.

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Reading time: 3 min


What you need is professional training and a narrow specialization. Therefore, first determine in which position you want to play in the future and just focus on that. It's no use playing properly in all positions — you have to be outstanding in a specific one. To find out what that is, go into self-analysis. With every game and training session, be aware of what works particularly well for you. And write down your thoughts. Also ask coaches and fellow players. They often have a more objective view than you do yourself.

If you know where your focus should be in the future, look for idols and role models. Take a close look at what the best are doing on the pitch, and especially how they do it. Then you can tailor your training exactly to these strengths and create an individual training plan.

At the same time, however, you must ensure that your body is involved. If you want to become a professional soccer player, you need a completely different fitness level than in everyday life. In the B42 app, there are football-specific fitness workouts to get you ahead. Also try to train as much as possible on the ball and look for training partners who are better than yourself. Because you can only really learn something from such players.

Only if the training really challenges you will it get you ahead. This also always applies if you also train outside of your club. Give it all! As if you were playing for your professional contract right now...


It is important that your body also packs the additional training. You must not overwhelm him, otherwise you could get injured. This works on the one hand through targeted training breaks and recovery times and on the other hand through a suitable diet. When you work out a lot, your body also needs more energy.

And in order to build muscle, protein is particularly important — but also vitamins and minerals. With electrolytes, for example, you can prevent muscle cramps. You can also find even more specific nutrition tips for professional soccer players in the B42 Nutrition app, for example.

In general, you should try to listen carefully to your body and find out what it needs right now. And above all: Don't ruin your progress right away!

If you've really decided to become a professional soccer player, alcohol and cigarettes have no place in your life — just like all other drugs and unhealthy substances. Realize that your body is your potential. If you always want to achieve new levels of excellence, you must not stand in your own way.


If you dream of becoming a professional soccer player:

Do it!

Start right now. Even at over 20 years of age, it is still not too late. It depends on your motivation and fighting spirit. So promise yourself that you'll make it, and do everything you can to keep that promise. Of course, you also need a bit of luck: You can't hurt yourself and you have to be discovered. But here too, you can influence a lot yourself. It's in your hands.

Be fearless. Be focused. B42

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