National player Lina Magull about nutrition in soccer
BAYERN PROFESSIONAL MAGULL ABOUT HER DIET “I believed everything fitness models said”
Reading time 3 min

National player Lina Magull about nutrition in soccer

At the age of 14, I took what was perhaps the biggest and most difficult step of my young life: moving out of home and going to a soccer boarding school.

Nutrition wasn't a big issue for me up to this point - the main thing mom makes it tasty, filling and lets me snack on something sweet.

When I think about it in retrospect, I can hardly believe how carelessly I dealt with this issue back then.


At soccer boarding school, I was forced to build an independent life. I had to take responsibility for my actions and actions.

I started to become more interested in my diet.

Until now, I didn't even know whether I was eating well or poorly. I just knew that I was good at kicking and needed energy to do so.

I gradually delved into the topic, mainly through fitness magazines. I learned to weigh up which foods are good or bad. However, I indulged in one trend after another.

I believed everything the fitness models had!


The biggest fear I would have for the next few years was carbohydrates. And sugar, of course — a real killer!

Thankfully I wasn't a sugar junkie, but the crowd was my weak point. Instead of deliberately treating myself to one or two pieces of chocolate, I started a chocolate party until I felt guilty. But after that, I kept my distance from such parties again for a long time.

Instead of preparing something to eat late in the evening after training, I bought a double hamburger from McDonald's at the train station due to the famine and only ate the two meatballs. Low-carb and the best meat.

Fortunately, I can still say that there hasn't been a time in my life when I didn't want to eat anything in order to lose weight. Because that's what it's always been about, of course: losing weight.

I didn't even manage to get through a juice cleanse for a weekend. One day was enough for me to return to my habits the next.

It was simply difficult for me to develop a holistic approach to an extensive healthy diet without involving the enemies, sugar and carbohydrates.

In the end, complex carbohydrates have become my friends, but I still don't completely trust pure white sugar.


Over the years, however, I have gained an ever greater understanding of nutritional issues.

A good friend from Wolfsburg, who has been eating vegan for ages, flipped a switch in my head. He wasn't interested in reprogramming me into a vegan, but about the quality, handling, quantity, added value, nutrients and vitamins of the food.

He enlightened me and wrote my first diet plan for me to better understand.

I didn't become a vegan, but I've already tried twice so far, relying entirely on a plant-based diet for a while.

And that is exactly what makes the topic of nutrition so exciting. There are various ways to eat.

There are many experts who are said to have discovered true miracle formulas, but in the end, everyone must find out for themselves which diet is best for their own body.

It can be decisive which diet you follow - even basic principles have a positive influence on your eating habits.

You don't have to completely destroy your personal preferences.

At best, opt mostly for a healthier option and enjoy nutrient-rich food.

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Reading time 3 min


You feel your body, notice what's good for it. A healthy diet is not rocket science. It is easy to understand, implement and promotes your health and fitness.

I'm not an expert. I am a competitive athlete, certified nutritionist (purely out of interest) and have studied nutrition more deeply for years.

Actually, I had once set my mind to launch my own nutrition app. It is all the better that with the B42 nutrition app, in addition to focusing on fitness, we can also draw attention to the importance of nutrition.

When I was younger, I would have liked an app like this.


It is important to attach great importance to a healthy diet. You don't have to become a 5-star chef and work in the kitchen for hours on end. Cooking can be fun, preparation can be quick, there are great recipes and inspiring restaurants.

And finally, the reward for investing in good food and dishes is a healthy body that can protect itself better and feels vital.

The biggest challenge today is being overwhelmed in view of the huge supply of food. Many consumers are experiencing overeating, including nutritional deficiencies — based on the mechanisms of the food industry.

You lose track of things and indulge in supposedly good food. I have recommended and internalized a few basic principles that I can cope with food chaos and can enjoy eating with a clear conscience.

  • Eat plenty of plant-based and natural foods as a base
  • Maintain a well-functioning immune system through a supply of sufficient vitamins, trace elements, secondary plant substances and fiber
  • Drink plenty of pure water for a natural and healthy metabolism
  • 80/20 principle: 80% consciously healthy. 20% for the soul. The dose makes the poison
  • Discover and avoid sugar traps. Choose complex and wholesome carbohydrates
  • Let the protein do the work (building and repair materials for cells)
  • Don't be afraid of good fatty acids (e.g. nuts), but avoid trans fats
  • Expand your knowledge (nutrition books, scientific texts, nutrition app, etc.)
  • Focus on quality, regional and seasonal produce and certified organic food
  • Reduce animal foods and enjoy biodynamic quality
  • Ensure good storage and conscious consumption of food


The new nutrition app from B42 includes help you learn more about nutrition and put together an individual diet plan — depending on what goal you set yourself.

Make the dietary topic your personal companion in everyday life. Start to understand why and why certain foods, nutrients and vitamins are important to you in natural form.

It's no use if I tell you in detail how I eat — it's about finding out for yourself what's good for you.

With a little knowledge, time, new insights and experiences, you can also express your own values even more.

It is also about sustainability, discipline, environmental awareness, health, personal responsibility, personal development, performance improvement — all positive values that go with it.

Besides, it's pretty cool to eat healthily ;-)

In any case, I hope you enjoy it. enjoy it.

Your Lina

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