Training break in soccer? Not with us!
Make the best of the situation
Reading time 3 min

Training break in soccer? Not with us!

The coronavirus presents the world with unprecedented challenges. In just a few days, all priorities have completely shifted. To see this, just look at the news — sometimes just looking out the window is enough.

Football operations were also shut down for the time being. In view of the latest developments and images from our neighboring countries, no one is likely to seriously question this decision anymore.

Each individual is now required to back off, adapt their behavior and do their part to at least slow down the spread of this pandemic, which can no longer be stopped.

For us soccer players, this also means: no team training, no sessions with our team colleagues. But does that necessarily mean that we must completely refrain from playing soccer, that our preparation for the season was in vain, that we must stagnate in our development as soccer players? No!

Make the best of the situation

At B42, we always think positively and want to support you with maximum effort in every soccer situation.

But above all, let us not let a virus distract us from our path of making amateur soccer better. Instead, values such as solidarity, passion and fairness want to live by, especially when the wind is blowing from the front.

We play fairly: no subscription, no hidden costs

That is why we have decided to make our premium offer available free of charge to all clubs, but also to individual, ambitious amateur soccer players. That is what we mean by solidarity in unusual times.

In this way, you can benefit from our training programs from home, improve your athleticism and reduce your risk of injury. We want to keep your passion alive.

The issue of fairness is also decisive for us: It is not a subscription trap and there will be no costs for you under any circumstances. You don't accidentally slip into a contract — a termination is not necessary.

When the month is over, it's over. We just want to send out a clear message.

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Reading time 3 min

Our reward: your success

Our reward is rather to be able to accompany you on the way to greater strength, mobility, stability and speed.

By the way, that is also your reward if you consistently and continuously complete our training.

Of course, we're always happy when we hear about your progress and you decide to continue your training with us after this month.

Unfortunately, fairness also includes: Due to immense technical effort, we unfortunately cannot waive those of you who are already premium customers this month.

However, we will give you a month at the end of your subscription. Fair? We think so.

How does it work?

We want to make things as easy as possible for you and that's why we've decided to provide you with a free, four-week voucher code.

With the code Staystrong From now on, every player can activate the premium area of our app for one month.

Which training is recommended:

We recommend you with the Game Changer Offseason, i.e. our training plan for the soccer-free period. In this training program, you can expect strength units for more power in your legs and upper body as well as exercises to improve mobility.

The training week lasts for you six different workouts Ready — a day is a break. We recommend Sunday for this.

On every single training day, we provide plenty of variety in training. This provides you with optimal regeneration processes and prevents overload problems such as illnesses, injuries or loss of performance.

Basically, we're breaking down your current situation to what it basically is: a forced break.

Speaking of compulsory breaks — of course, you can always with one of our Comeback programs after an infestationg work out at home. Important: always after prior consultation with a physiotherapist!

We hope that this will at least reduce the waiting time until the end of the interruption.

The biggest soccer team in the world

Even though you're no longer allowed to play together, you can still train together from home — as part of the biggest soccer team in the world.

Let's make the best of the current situation together. As a soccer player, but above all as people. Take care of yourself and your fellow citizens.

Download the B42 soccer app directly now:

Be fearless. Be focused. B42

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