Football is unimportant right now, incidental, secondary.
This unreal and frightening time is about livelihoods, short-time work, plant closures, job loss. But above all, it is about our most important asset:
Our health.
More dramatically, but at the same time realistically, it is a matter of life and death for many, for more and more people.
Football is important, significant and meaningful right now.
In such a crisis, such an exceptional situation, don't we need soccer all the more — watch the Bundesliga on Friday evening, kick in the district class on Saturday, stand on the training ground with the team on a rainy Tuesday evening?
Isn't that just the nice, carefree, uncomplicated part of the week? Isn't community, team spirit, talking to the other players, the team's common goal for the season helping us get rid of everyday life — at least for a few hours?
That is also Corona: We are realizing more than ever before that soccer is more than just a game.
Especially in these times, it is important not to lose the positive spirit. Continuous work on goals gives us support. It is a mental support. Every progress brings us forward — as athletes, but also as individuals.
If we lack familiar everyday routines, it is important to continue to set goals and work on them continuously. You lose soccer as your trusted companion for a certain period of time. Keep it as a motivating and meaningful body.
We at B42 can't bring you back the training with your team. But we also give you the opportunity to work on yourself at home. Become better soccer players — despite a curfew.
Maintain routines or develop them. Work on your fitness, strength, mobility every day. See the progress — in the mirror in a few weeks and on the pitch sometime. We will provide you with the means to do so.
Get your digital assistant trainer!
What motivates us at B42 during this difficult time is our positive mindset and the belief that we can actually make amateur soccer better.
This attitude also gave rise to the idea of giving you our premium package for one month. And when we look alone at the feedback, the encouragement we get from you and see the number of teams that train with our program, the ratings of our soccer app that go up to the roof and the personal feedback that we have received from, that makes us proud.
And it really motivates us. In the end, the same applies to us as it does to you:
Whether you're working on an app or on your athletics, whether you're working on a training concept or are just following through with it, whether you're working out on the court or in the living room: The right attitude makes the difference in the end — especially in these times.
Our goal — your success: That is why we work every hour — almost day and night — to improve our concepts.
We are currently integrating a new additional function that will be waiting for you in our training programs shortly:
The Champions — Week. With this, we will challenge you more than ever before.
Even though you're no longer allowed to play together, you can still train together from home — as part of the biggest soccer team in the world.
More than 600 clubs and 80,000 soccer players are already training with B42.
Let's make the best of the current situation together. As a soccer player, but above all as people. Take care of yourself and your fellow citizens.
Be Focused.b42
Be one step ahead of the others - with B42