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While speed and mobility programs have remained almost analogous to men, there are elementary differences in strength programs. Exercises designed specifically for women were selected to combat the gender-typical disadvantage in women's anatomy.
In particular, the valgus position and thus appropriate leg training should be taken into account. An adjustment was also made to the repeat payment. While these are barely noticeably reduced due to the minimal discrepancies in the lower extremities, these have been taken more into account in the upper extremities. Progressions were also developed for the pull-ups and push-ups exercises.
The big challenge here is taking the period into account. Looking at similar training programs, it quickly became apparent that we were entering completely new territory by managing any disparities. In addition to the three phases of offseason, preseason and season, our training programs for women also include the phase of the period that you should switch to during menstruation. This includes low-intensity programs that provide a reduced stimulus. After this week, you can easily switch back to the respective GameChanger program and continue training “normally”.