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DFI Bad Aibling
Fabian Stierle, U15m
Coach nutzt B42 Coach Zone auf dem Macbook Pro
Name: Fabian Stierle
club: DFI Bad Aibling
Team: U15m
League: Bayernliga
Features used:
Comeback & prevention
Workout allocation
Workout Builder
Fitness training
Hankofen's Football Fairy Tale
Which features of the B42 Coach Zone do you use the most?

Prevention and comeback training
On the one hand, we use B42 heavily for battered and slightly injured players who may only be able to complete parts of team training.

Football-specific fitness training
We don't have every training session with physios or athletic trainers on the pitch, so B42 is of course a huge help. In consultation with physiotherapists, we then assign players specific mobility or strength workouts, depending on the injury. In this way, the boys not only sit around and watch the others in the duels, but also train sensibly and remain part of the team.

Especially during summer and winter breaks, we increasingly use B42 for strength, mobility & endurance. This allows us to focus directly on the content with ball after a long game break without major risk of injury, because all players are prepared.

“We coordinate with physiotherapists and athletic trainers which exercises battered and injured players should do. In this way, they can still be involved in team training and train effectively.”
What top 3 added values of B42 do you see for yourself as a trainer?

1. We are more variable
Before B42, we had printed PDF's explaining every exercise. As a result, our selection of workouts and exercises was very limited. The exercise catalog from B42 is super extensive and every exercise is well explained. Of course, this expands our exercise pool enormously. This is also important for the players so that it doesn't get boring. During training, every player prefers to stand on the field with the ball instead of doing a stability workout.

2. The time factor
Everything in the app is available and well explained. It's so much faster than getting everything down on paper first, then handing it out to the players and explaining it. Sometimes we even took pictures or videos so that players knew what we meant.

3. Clear
And so we also have the evaluation of the workouts in one place and can see from the entire coaching staff who trained what and when. This gives us a better feeling of knowing how fit the players are and what condition they are in training.

“We are currently on a wave of success. Everyone subordinates themselves to the whole, everyone plays for the club. I'm betting a lot on us being able to start injury-free preparation with B42.”
What do you think are the top 3 added values of B42 for your players?

1. Motivation
I've already received feedback in the annual questionnaires that players think it's really cool how things work with B42. They are more motivated to train because they can measure themselves against each other, especially during the transition period. If you see the running times or distances of the other players, this creates a competition among the boys. This inspires you when you see that someone else has already completed a workout and immediately thinks that you have to keep going. In any case, my experience is that they train more with B42 than before.

2. Variety
Thanks to the larger exercise catalog, we can of course make training plans more varied. This is a big advantage for players when they are constantly involved in different exercises. That way, it won't get boring anytime soon.

3. Overview
Everything is super clear and the boys can quickly see on their mobile phones whether and what they should train. Everyone has a smartphone and it is simply easier to have the cell phone in front of you and swipe your way through the exercises than to have a sheet in front of you on which you have to look at where you are again and again.

“Players love the B42 app. They're definitely training more now — 500 workouts in one month.”
How do you use the workout allocation?

We use workout allocation primarily in preparation. Each week, we address a different topic.

week 1
week 2
week 3
week 4
week 5
Basic endurance: Tempo runs

intensive strength workouts lower body + core
Basic endurance: Speed runs with an increase

intensive strength workouts lower body + core + upper body
Football-specific endurance: friday

Football-specific endurance: Interval runs over shorter distances

Plyo workouts
Speed, explosivity: Speed & Plyo Workouts
Skills & coordination
Game day
Skills & coordination
Skills & coordination
Skills & coordination
Ball-specific workouts:
Focus ball control
Ball-specific workouts:
Focus Dribbling & Passing
Ball-specific workouts:
Ball control
Ball-specific workouts:
Focus Dribbling & Passing
Ball-specific workouts:

B42 suggestion for 5 weeks of preparation

What else would you like to see in the B42 Coach Zone?

Since I've been using you, I've bombarded you several times with feature ideas and wishes that I think make sense:D You've already implemented a lot of them and the Workout Builder was of course an absolute wish. Otherwise, I would like to have a chat function. I'd love to eliminate WhatsApp and do everything in one app. Then I wouldn't even have to get out of B42 anymore.

Coach nutzt B42 Coach Zone auf dem Macbook Pro
Coach nutzt B42 Coach Zone auf dem Macbook Pro
Coach nutzt B42 Coach Zone auf dem Macbook Pro
B42 Features: Screen mit Workout Video und Workout Kategorien Fitness, Running, Reha, Prävention, Mit Ball, Unter 15 Minuten.
Fitness training
Our team of professional athletes, sports doctors, therapists and trainers combines all experience and knowledge from top-class sport in one app. Roland assigns balancing and complementing workouts every day of the week. In this way, his players train holistically and regenerate optimally after training.
“Our main categories are clearly mobility and power. But the day after a game, there is also a relaxation run. On non-training days, my players still do a ball-specific exercise and think it's great.”
Fabian Stierle
Player coach
Charge query
Back to square faster
With the detailed charge query
“I have a load query immediately after every game and training session. In this way, I immediately notice runaways downwards and I can follow up and take countermeasures.”
Fabian Stierle
B42 Feature Running mit GPS Tracking
B42 Feature Workout-Builder für maßgeschneiderte Fitness-Workouts
Prevention & Comeback Training
Back to square faster
Based on the feedback from the players from the load query, Roland can see exactly what his players are doing. In this way, he can specifically allocate workouts when pain occurs or identify overload at an early stage.
“I've regained my physical fitness and regained my working hours after the injury.”
Fabian Stierle
Just get better
The B42 performance tests evaluate the status quo of individual players in the areas of strength, mobility, speed & endurance. In this way, Tobias can individually allocate workouts to his players according to their strengths and weaknesses in order to compensate for deficiencies and expand strengths.
“The videos clearly explain what players have to do. Each player then receives their strengths and weaknesses profile. As coaches, we can compare players and use the data for further load management. It was interesting to see where the players had deficits that you can make up for and where they have already improved compared to other players.”
Fabian Stierle
Player coach
B42 Feature Rehatraining für ein schnelles Comeback auf den Fußballplatz

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