Using caffeine to improve performance?
Can caffeine really give you “wings”?
Reading time 3 min

Using caffeine to improve performance?

Can caffeine really give you “wings”?

Quickly buy another energy drink at the gas station and then off to the meeting point. Every team has at least one such player.

But can you really give yourself an extra kick before the whistle starts with caffeine or is it all just a matter of your head?

First, a few facts about caffeine:

  1. Caffeine is a powerful psychoactive substance, it stimulates your central nervous system, dilates your coronary vessels and speeds up your fat metabolism.
  2. Simply put, caffeine improves your mood, increases your concentration and pulse rate, and thus increases your athletic performance
  3. When your nerve cells work, they use up energy in the process. A by-product that is produced is adenosine. This messenger substance has the task of protecting our brain from overexertion. When we are overloaded, adenosine fills certain receptors in the brain and your body realizes that it should take things a little easier.

That's where caffeine comes into play. Caffeine invades these receptors and blocks them for adenosine. As a result, adenosine can no longer dock and your body does not feel the actual exhaustion that has occurred.

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Reading time 3 min

Caffeine, in any form, has a positive effect on your performance.

But what happens when your body is already very accustomed to this substance due to your daily caffeine consumption? Can you still use the positive qualities then?

As soon as you reach for coffee (approx. 50-80 mg caffeine, depending on strength), espresso (approx. 30 mg) or energy drink (50 — 200 mg) several times a day, you can describe yourself as “used to caffeine.” Caffeine stimulates your adrenal glands and subsequently releases the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol.

Each serving of caffeine therefore puts your body in a “state of stress” to which it must react. If you already have enough stress in your job or everyday life, you should consider whether you should “stress” your body even more, especially after 4 pm. Caffeine consumption in the late afternoon or evening hours has a proven negative effect on your sleep quality.

So if you find yourself having trouble sleeping, here is a first opportunity to improve your sleep and recovery.

Please don't get it wrong, coffee, or rather caffeine, is a wonderful stimulant, but you should also use it as such and not consume it as if it were water all day long. An abbreviated quote from Paracelsus sums it up best:

“The dose makes the poison.” Especially because you can barely benefit from the positive qualities yourself on league match day.

With regular caffeine consumption, your body produces more adenosine receptors. In order to eliminate the onset of tiredness, you need more and more caffeine and unfortunately your body no longer reacts to the administration of small doses of caffeine.

So if you really want to benefit from the positive properties of caffeine, then wean your body from everyday caffeine consumption.

Before your competition games, you can actually activate it with a tolerable dose of caffeine. But please be careful: “A lot doesn't always help a lot! ”

Listen to your body and see how it reacts to your dosage. If you're sitting in the cabin toilet with sweats, palpitations and diarrhea, he might want to tell you something.

Does it actually make sense now to increase your performance with caffeine?

From our point of view, not so. It would be significantly more won (in terms of performance in Sunday games) if binge drinking in the night from Friday to Saturday were eliminated.

If you don't do this and don't grab coffee or energy cans several times a day, you can give yourself a small, performance-boosting kick with caffeine just before the game.

We wish you a successful week.

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