More power on league match day
Can a natural drink become a power reserve?
Reading time 3 min

More power on league match day

Can a natural drink become a power reserve?

What is the perfect morning routine to optimally prepare yourself for your league match day? What is the best way to start the day and how do you “activate” your body right after getting up?

Instead of a perfect routine for league play day, we have discovered a daily ritual for every day of the week. You can do daily rituals as part of mental training in soccer see (more about this also here)

We recommend this ritual to all our athletes every day, regardless of whether it's a game or a working day. Nevertheless, it is of course perfect for starting your league game day with more power too.

First and foremost, we want to raise your energy level. And that's exactly where we start right after getting up.

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The kick-start drink from Wolfgang Unsöld

In the future, your first journey will not take you to the bathroom, but to the kitchen. There you mix up the following things:

— 0.3 — 0.5 liters of water (more is more)
— 2-3 grams of salt (more is neither necessary nor useful)
— The juice of 1/8 lime or a dash of lime juice from the bottle


During sleep, you lose up to 2 liters of fluid through breathing, urine formation and perspiration, especially on hot summer nights. Just 2% of fluid loss reduces your performance. 75 kilos of body weight, 60 — 65% of which is liquid. Two percent of it is about one liter of water. Houston, we've got a problem.

So let's fill up your reservoirs first. There are a number of studies that have shown that a significant increase in water intake has a positive effect on your brain power. In this way, it not only increases the speed at which you can absorb information, but also your memory and the work capacity of your brain. That is why we first counteract this loss of fluid at night.

But why the salt?

It is said to have a positive effect on hormone production in your adrenal glands. Scientific studies have not yet been able to prove this thesis, which is why we actually wanted to abolish this routine. The feedback from athletes who received our new Guide in the app However, we were so positive about the kick-start drink that we decided to test it further. That is why we would be very happy to hear your opinion about the drink after a few weeks.

The only thing missing is lime juice. Just lime juice? No, you can use any citrus fruit. Use about 1/8 lime, but you can also use a tablespoon of lime juice, the choice is yours. However, we recommend fresh fruit if you can choose. It simply tastes better and is healthier.

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Reading time 3 min

Das war es, mehr musst du nicht machen. Das wird ab morgen dein erstes tägliches Ritual. Wir können dir versichern, diese kleine Umstellung hat bereits bei vielen Spielern ein positives Ergebnis erzielt. Es wird auf lange Sicht auch dein Energieniveau deutlich anheben und dich im Alltag fitter und leistungsfähiger werden lassen. Vor allem wird es langfristig deine Performance auf dem Platz beeinflussen.

Mach es zu deinem Ritual und empfehle es vor allem deinen Mitspielern, dass auch euer Team-Game davon profitieren kann. In meinem Nutrition-Guide in der B42 Fussball App gibt es zum Thema „Wasserhaushalt am Ligaspieltag“ ein eigenes Kapitel. Mehr über optimale Ernährung während dem Spiel findest du übrigens in unserem Beitrag über Ernährung in der Halbzeitpause.

Ich wünsche dir eine kurze Woche und ein erfolgreiches Ligaspiel am Wochenende.

Dein Nutrition-Coach Andi

Be fearless.Be focused.B42

Über den Autor

Als staatlich zugelassener Ernährungsberater, Personal-Trainer und UEFA-Lizenz-Inhaber, kann Coach Andi genau das vermitteln, wonach er selbst seine ganze Fußball-Karriere gesucht hat: bessere Performance durch smarte Ernährung und gezieltes Training.

die ultimative Plattform für Fußballtraining und Teammanagement
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