The truth about training participation: Why your team skips and what you can do about it
Die geheime Sauce für volle Trainingsplätze: Wie du deine Fußballmannschaft motivierst
Reading time 6 min

Empty training spaces are every trainer's nightmare. Thursday evening, 19:00, and only five players show up. Frustrating, isn't it? Let's be clear: Your players skip training. Yep, it's exactly yours. And no, it's not due to weather or injuries. It is up to you. But don't worry, today we'll tell you how you can change that. With our revolutionary soccer platform and a few insider tricks, you'll solve this problem once and for all. Here you can find out how to get your team to look forward to training like Christmas.

Communicate expectations and consequences

No more wipe-washing. Tell your players clearly what you expect. On the square every Tuesday and Thursday at 19:00 Dot. If you arrive late, you run extra. If you're missing, you're sitting on the bench at the weekend. Hard rules? Yes effective? Absolutely.

A junior Bundesliga team tracked training participation with B42. Missing players bake a cake, and there was a reward for the hardest working at the end of the season. Training participation rose by 18%.

Set a good example

Do you want your players to be on time? So be it. Do you expect full commitment? Show it yourself. Coaches who show up 10 minutes before the start of training and stand around unmotivated need not be surprised if their players do the same.

Most teams have the same pecking order: coaches, then captains, then veterans, then newcomers. The most effective way to convey engagement? Cultivate the right values at the top of the pecking order. Because fish usually stinks from the head.

Create anticipation for training

Awaken your players' competitive instincts. Create a home away from home. Both, at best. The important thing is that your players come to training with enthusiasm. Pure anticipation instead of a chore.

Training doesn't have to be boring. Make it the highlight of the week. Announce exciting exercises. Let players vote on what they want to do. Surprise them with guest trainers or unusual locations. Curiosity is a powerful motivator. Make use of them.

Be well prepared

Improvised training is like lukewarm beer. No one likes that. Nothing is worse than a coach who stands on the pitch haphazardly. Your players immediately notice when you improvise. And they'll resent you.

Plan your sessions meticulously, from warm-up to cool-down. Use our platform for detailed training planning. Your players will notice the difference.

Know the number of players in training

Surprise: You can't plan if you don't know who's coming. Sounds banal, but it's crucial. Because that way you can prepare yourself perfectly.

Use our app for binding promises. Anyone who cancels must have a valid reason. “No desire” doesn't count.

Wish-wash? Or full commitment? It is up to you.

Reading time 6 min

Prepare the exercises for training ahead of time

Stop the chaos just before training starts. Plan your exercises days in advance. Get the equipment ready. Message your assistant coaches. The smoother the training runs, the more fun everyone has.

Our platform offers you a huge exercise database. Share them with your players via the app. The result: Everyone knows what's coming and is mentally prepared.


Forget the little one. Think over long periods of time. A macrocycle comprises several months, often an entire season. This is where you set the big goals. Build up fitness, refine tactics, strengthen team spirit.

A soccer season traditionally consists of three macrocycles: preparation, peak season, season break. Each cycle has clear priorities.


Now it's getting more specific. A mesocycle takes several weeks. This is where you focus on specific skills. Speed, stamina, shooting technique. Switch priorities to avoid boredom.

The preparation can, for example, be divided into four mesocycles of three weeks each: basic endurance, strength building, speed, playing practice. Each cycle ends with a test game.


The microcycle is your weekly schedule. It gets really detailed here. Each day has a focus. Monday regeneration, Tuesday strength, Wednesday tactics, and so on. Vary the intensity to avoid overtraining.

You can plan every microcycle after game day. Video analysis and light training on Mondays, strength training on Tuesdays, tactical units on Wednesdays, game forms on Thursdays, final training on Fridays.

Add variety to training

Monotony kills motivation. Surprise your players. Sometimes circuit training, sometimes technical courses, sometimes forms of play. Use unconventional methods. How about soccer yoga? It sounds crazy but it's fun.

Get inspired by our exercise catalog of over 500 exercises for strength, endurance, speed, mobility, passing and dribble exercises and much more and create varied training sessions for your team.

Show progress

People love getting better. Use that. Run regular tests. Sprint times, jumping power, perfect fit. Visualize development. Nothing motivates more than visible success.

For example, do the B42 fitness tests on a monthly basis. The results are visible to everyone on the B42 Playercard. Players compare themselves to each other and want to improve.

The game changer: Our soccer platform

You're thinking now: “Sounds good, but how am I supposed to implement it all?” Here's the trick: Our revolutionary soccer platform does it all for you. Training planning, attendance monitoring, performance analysis — all in one app.

No more paperwork, no more confusing Excel spreadsheets, no more WhatsApp chaos. Everything at a glance. You'll save time and your team will be better. Guaranteed

Enough talking. It's your turn now. Sign up now for free and revolutionize your training. Your team will thank you for it. And so is your club chairman.

Be fearless. Be focused. B42

die ultimative Plattform für Fußballtraining und Teammanagement
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B42 — the ultimate app for athletic and generational training. Players benefit from tailor-made solutions for top performance, while coaches in the Coach Zone find innovative tools for targeted player development. B42: Your key to excellent performance and successful team development.

Start now for free and increase training participation.

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