Snus in soccer: doping or harmless kick?
Just because associations openly advertise them, legal addictive substances are no less dangerous.
Reading time 4 min

Everyone is talking about snus in soccer right now — in the truest sense of the word. Snus is oral tobacco that is stuck behind the lip and is said to have a stimulating effect.

What was only known in Scandinavia and as an “ice hockey drug” a few years ago is now also circulating in this country. In the meantime, the popularity of parchment paper bags is also growing in soccer.

In this blog post, you'll learn everything about snus in soccer — from effect to effect.

What is snus?

Snus is oral tobacco, In Other Words, a Smoke-Free Mixture Made from finely chopped tobacco, water, salt and aromas. However, snus is not chewed. You push the packets under your upper lip. In this way, nicotine quickly reaches the brain via the oral mucosa.

During the Illegal sales in Germany since 1992 In the meantime, consumption is not yet punishable.

Snuses are said to have an awakening, anxiolytic effect and are said to increase the reaction rate. We know that sounds very tempting at first glance. So a pack of snus as the perfect player to improve your own performance?

At this point, we need to issue a warning. We can't make that decision for you. We can only give you a few ideas to develop a sensitized approach to legal addictive substances. The decision whether or not to drink alcohol, cigarettes or snus regularly is up to you and your attitude towards healthy use of your body.

After all, you are certainly aware that even legal drugs are addictive and harmful to health. So the sportily attractive drug snus, in which your body reacts to the nicotine it contains.

A ration of snus contains twenty milligrams of nicotine, i.e. almost three times the amount of a standard cigarette. This quantity allows the desired effects to occur. However, this is not without negative consequences for your body.

Dr. Detlev Brandecker, Long-time team doctor for handball Bundesliga team THW Kiel said: “The gums can irreversibly recede, the teeth can be damaged. And there are studies that show that even in snus up to 28 are carcinogenic substances.

The Swedish Karolinska Institute also discovered in 2007 that snus users live with an increased risk of pancreatic cancer. However, the scientists were unable to establish a connection with serious oral or lung diseases.

Deceptive benefits of snus in soccer

Snus and soccer

The World Anti-Doping Agency WADA has placed snus on the watch list due to its stimulating effect. However, doping experts largely agree that snus can give you an advantage over your opponent.

Perhaps that is one of the reasons why lollipop is considered a trendy drug in professional sports. Snus is now used in Over 40 sports consumed. In particular, curved cracks from the North American Professional League NHL push the brownish parchment bags under the upper lip.

But even in soccer, more and more players seem to be snouting. Whether Marco Reus, Harvard Nordtveit, Karim Benzema or England's national striker Jamie Vardy — They could all be linked, either openly or covertly, to the consumption of snus.

“I played really hard”

A few years ago, the weekly newspaper “Die Zeit” deals particularly intensively with the topic of snus in soccer. A player who was still anonymous at the time (we now know that this was a regional league player from VfL Bochum II) said:

“I worked it out before training. My gums were burning like hell. I was shaking as soon as I was putting on my shoes in the cabin. I was really sick during the warm-up, I thought I was going to puke up. I had sweats. The Fight for Survival was activated. But when it was over, I played really hard.”

Search testimonials sound very appealing. The great popularity among all kinds of athletes also does not particularly contribute to the deterrent effect. However, you must always bear in mind that people tend to weigh the short-term consequences more heavily than the long-term consequences.

Doping Experts Classify Snus as an Advantageous Measure

100,000-200,000 deaths due to long-term consequences

Do you know how many people who every year across Germany as a result of using illegal narcotics? In the year 2019 Was it exactly 1,398 people.

Do you know how many people die each year due to the long-term effects of alcohol and nicotine? Unfortunately, the exact figures cannot be determined due to the high number of dark figures, but statistical estimates place them at 100,000 - 200,000 people.

Even though the exact figure is harder to determine clearly, given its size — each in our own way — we should all look at how our use of legal narcotics actually affects our life expectancy and well-being.

In the following two paragraphs, you will now be confronted more clearly with our own opinion. Please don't misunderstand them. The aim of this post was not to shape your attitude, but to sensitize you. Find out more and make up your own mind in this way.

Should you stop snusing? We would recommend it to you.

The study situation is ambiguous, but if you've ever had a brown siffe in your stomach (or you smell like an old man out of your mouth), then you can actually answer the question yourself whether it's a good idea to shove this stuff under your lip.

Should you start with snus to improve your performance and be able to “play really hard”? Not likely.

Even though the positive effect of snus appears to be very “exhilarating,” you can also achieve comparable effects with an energy drink or a strong coffee.

When dealing with legal drugs, we must also always remember: Nothing is pure poison — it is only the dose that counts. That's why we certainly don't build ourselves up in front of you with a raised index finger and say “Never drink another sip of alcohol.” But if you turn off the lights every weekend with an announcement and smoke more than the Marlboro Man or you constantly show off thick upper lips like Axel Schulz, then the supposedly “legal” narcotics may be your undoing.

Our general tip:

If you feel like crap, stop stuffing crap into yourself.

Getting better is only possible through training

Be fearless. Be focused. B42

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Reading time 4 min
Doping experts classify snus as an advantageous measure

100,000-200,000 deaths due to long-term consequences

Do you know how many people die every year across Germany as a result of using illegal narcotics? In the year 2019 Was it exactly 1,398 people.

Do you know how many people die each year due to the long-term effects of alcohol and nicotine? Unfortunately, the exact figures cannot be determined due to the high number of dark figures, but statistical estimates place them at 100,000 - 200,000 people.

Even though the exact figure is harder to determine clearly, given its size — each in our own way — we should all look at how our use of legal narcotics actually affects our life expectancy and well-being.

In the following two paragraphs, you will now be confronted more clearly with our own opinion. Please don't misunderstand them. The aim of this post was not to shape your attitude, but to sensitize you. Find out more and make up your own mind in this way.

Should you stop snusing? We would recommend it to you.

The study situation is ambiguous, but if you've ever had a brown siffe in your stomach (or you smell like an old man out of your mouth), then you can actually answer the question yourself whether it's a good idea to shove this stuff under your lip.

Should you start with snus to improve your performance and be able to “play really hard”? Not likely.

Even though the positive effect of snus appears to be very “exhilarating”, you can also achieve comparable effects with an energy drink or a strong coffee.

When dealing with legal drugs, we must also always remember: Nothing is pure poison — it is only the dose that counts. That's why we certainly don't build ourselves up in front of you with a raised index finger and say “Never drink another sip of alcohol.” But if you turn off the lights every weekend with an announcement and smoke more than the Marlboro Man or you constantly show off thick upper lips like Axel Schulz, then the supposedly “legal” narcotics may be your undoing.

Our general tip:

If you feel like crap, stop stuffing crap into yourself.

Getting better is only possible through training

Be fearless. Be focused. B42

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