The load management lie - the dark side of preparing for the season
Why 90% of coaches load their players incorrectly
Reading time 5 min

Attention coach: You're just ruining your team's season! Sounds tough? But that's the way it is. Most coaches have no idea how to properly manage the workload during preparation. The result: Trained players, injuries and a crisis of form in the middle of the season.

“Any illness related to training load are commonly viewed as preventable” - These words from Tim Gabbett (2016) should get under your skin as a trainer. Because they mean that most training-related illnesses and injuries can be prevented, even during preparation for the season. We'll show you how to push your players to top performance — without burning them out.

The Burden Lie

Many trainers rely on their gut feeling when it comes to managing stress. Big mistake! The perceived load can differ significantly from the actual load. Gabbett (2016) showed that precise load management can reduce the risk of injury by up to 50%1. Our tool combines objective data with players' subjective perception of stress. The result: a precise picture of the real stress situation.

The truth about exercise intensity: Less is often more

Do you still think that more training automatically leads to better performance? Wrongly thought! Excessive training can really burn out your players. A study by Ekstrand et al. (2020) shows that a high training load can increase the risk of injury by up to 58%2. Our load management tool measures the individual training intensity of each player and alerts you before overtraining occurs. This will keep your players fresh and efficient — even though the competition is already on the gums for a long time.

Sore muscles: friend or foe?

Many trainers see sore muscles as a sign of effective training. Bullshits! Severe muscle soreness is an alarm signal from the body. It shows that you've overdone it. Peake et al. (2017) found that severe muscle soreness can impair performance for up to 72 hours3. Our tool tracks your players' sore muscles and gives you an idea of the optimal recovery time. In this way, you avoid overloads and keep your team fit for the long term.

Pain: The underrated performance killer

Do you know how many of your players with chronic pain are on the pitch? Probably more than you think. A study by Hainline et al. (2017) shows that up to 35% of professional athletes regularly play with pain4. Many players conceal pain for fear of losing their regular place. Our tool allows players to report pain anonymously. This allows you to intervene early before a small thing becomes a serious injury.

Don't ruin the season your team! Start now with intelligent load management.

Reading time 5 min

The wellbeing paradox

Here it goes: A player who feels right at home is not necessarily in top form. In fact, the opposite is often the case. Saw et al. (2016) found that subjective well-being is not always correlated with objective performance markers5. Our tool analyses subjective well-being in the context of other factors. This is how you can tell whether a player is really fit or whether he:she is just telling herself that he is.

The data revolution: From flood to fleet

GPS vests are all the rage. Every club shows off its data. But let's be honest: Most coaches are completely overwhelmed by the flood of figures. They stare at heatmaps and running routes but don't understand what they mean. The B42 Coach Zone filters the junk data and only provides information that is really relevant. No frills, just hard facts about load management. This allows you to make well-founded decisions instead of getting lost in data chaos.

Periodization: More than just a buzzword

Many coaches throw around the term “periodization” but have no clue how to implement it correctly. They copy training plans from the Internet without understanding that each player must be considered individually. B42 created customized periodization plans for each individual player, based on their current fitness level, the season phase and personal goals.

Conclusion: Train smarter, win harder

Intelligent load management is the key to success. With our tool, you can optimize your team's performance, reduce injuries and always stay one step ahead of the competition.

What are you waiting for? Sign up now for free and take your team to the next level. Because in the modern soccer world, it is not the:the strongest who wins, but the:the smartest. Be this:this smartest — with our stress management tool.

Be fearless. Be focused. B42

1 Gabbett, T.J. (2016). The training—injury prevention paradox: Should athletes be training smarter and harder? British Journal of Sports Medicine, 50 (5), 273-280.

2 Ekstrand, J., Spreco, A., & Davison, M. (2020). Elite football teams that do not have a winter break lose on average 303 player-days more per season to injuries than those teams that do: a comparison among 35 professional European teams. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 54 (12), 709-714.

3 Peake, J.M., Neubauer, O., Della Gatta, P.A., & Nosaka, K. (2017). Muscle damage and inflammation during recovery from exercise. Journal of Applied Physiology, 122 (3), 559-570.

4 Hainline, B., Turner, J.A., Caneiro, J.P., Stewart, M., & Lorimer Moseley, G. (2017). Pain in elite athletes — neurophysiological, biomechanical and psychosocial considerations: a narrative review. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 51 (17), 1259-1264.

5 Saw, A.E., Main, L.C., & Gastin, P.B. (2016). Monitoring the Athlete Training Response: Subjective Self-Reported Measures Trump Commonly Used Objective Measures: A Systematic Review. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 50 (5), 281-291.

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B42 — the ultimate app for athletic and generational training. Players benefit from tailor-made solutions for top performance, while coaches in the Coach Zone find innovative tools for targeted player development. B42: Your key to excellent performance and successful team development.

Push your players to peak performance, without burning them up!

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