The new DFB licenses
From soccer teacher to developed coach
Reading time 4 min

Do you want to finally reach the next level as a trainer? In this way, you can master the new DFB training system and turn your coaching career on turbo.

The revolution in trainer education: Certificates of achievement

The DFB has completely turned its education upside down. Forget the rigid tests of the past. Now it's about your personal development as a coach. Instead of dusty theory, you're now showing what you're really good at. Present your individual development process and the jury will be impressed.

Training visions: More than just a tactical board

Anyone who thinks it's all about lineups and game systems has overslept through the last few years. The DFB's new training vision is a game changer. It is about holistic development, not just on the pitch. Mental strength, personal development, even nutrition — it's all part of the big picture. A top trainer is also a bit of a psychologist and nutritionist.

The development stairs: Your way up

The DFB has designed a development staircase for coaches that is tough. It's a long way from the C license to the Pro license. But here's the trick: It's not just about the licenses. In between, there are exciting certificates and specializations. Kids trainer or goalkeeper guru — find your niche and become an absolute expert.

Network like a pro

Networking is everything. During training courses, you'll meet the crème de la crème of the coaching scene. Take advantage of this opportunity! Exchange ideas, learn from the best and build up a strong network. Stay in touch with your instructors. They often have good connections to professional clubs. Who knows, maybe your next coaching job is just a handshake away.

Boost your development Get to the next level as a trainer!

Reading time 4 min

Lifelong learning - or career out

In the past, a license was a free pass. Today, you must complete 20 learning units every three years. Otherwise, your license is worthless. The DFB wants “player developers” instead of “soccer instructors” and is now focusing on “interest-based continuing education.” Translated, this means: You decide what you learn.

How to use the new practice orientation

Take advantage of the new flexibility. You can now go your way in a much more individual way. But be careful: Without your own initiative, you will run offside. What counts now is what you show on the pitch. Use every opportunity to present your skills. Be creative in your training sessions. Experiment with new methods. Instructors love trainers who think out of the box.

Digital tools: Your secret assistant

In times of big data and AI, you have to stay up to date with technology. Use analysis tools, training planning apps, and online platforms. They not only make you more efficient, but also give you a head start in knowledge. Insiders swear by the combination of traditional coaching and modern tech solutions.

Your turbo: B42

Here comes the game changer: Use modern planning tools such as B42. This not only impresses you in training, but also potential employers. Show that you manage loads intelligently and organize your training professionally. That's your ticket to the top leagues.

Ready to take your coaching career to the next level? Then start now with B42. Use prevention programs to prevent injuries and keep your players fit. Plan your season down to the smallest detail and impress with your professionalism. Your chance to stand out from the crowd.

Be fearless. Be focused. B42


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