The hidden weapon of successful soccer teams: training participation
How to make your team successful through high training participation
Reading time 4 min

Imagine that your team suddenly wins every game. Impossible? Wrong The key isn't in expensive transfers or tactical tricks. It is training participation. In this blog post, we will examine in more detail the influence of high training participation on a soccer team's chances of success in league operations and why it is so important that all players participate in training regularly.

1. The “phantom player phenomenon”

Do you know that? Players who only show up for games but are invisible during training. Teams with high training participation have fewer “phantoms.” Specific and situational requirements for soccer actions can thus be adequately trained in a manner close to the game. Outcome? Better team chemistry, fewer injuries.

Example: FC Schalke 04, 2020/21 relegation season. Insiders report disastrous training morale. Coincidence? Hardly.

2. The “sweat synergy effect”

Sweating together creates a bond. Sounds like a cliché? But it is scientifically proven. A study by Dr. Kristin Seiler shows: Players who regularly train together have improved non-verbal communication on the pitch.

Example: Atalanta Bergamo. In the Champions League for years despite a small budget. Your secret? Tough training discipline.

3. “Tactical Muscle Memory”

Tactics are not learned in the cabin, but baked into the square. A study by the University of Konstanz found that when players understand their roles and know how to interact with their fellow players, they can adapt better to the dynamics of the game, which leads to better performance on the playing field.

Example: Jürgen Klopp's counterpressing. Only works with extreme training discipline. It's no wonder that he quickly sorts out training grouches.

4. The “invisible fitness level”

Fitness is more than lactate levels and sprint times. It's about mental resilience. Players who train frequently are better prepared for the emotional and psychological demands of a game. They learn how to deal with pressure and maintain their willingness to make efforts even in difficult situations.

Example: Leicester City, 2015/16 championship season. Hardly any injuries, mental strength right up to the end. Coincidence? No, iron training discipline.

increase training participation, Increase chances of success.

Reading time 4 min

5. The “hierarchy paradox”

Do you think starting eleven places are only awarded in-game? Wrong. A survey of 80 coaches in amateur soccer revealed: 78% of decisions are made based on training performance.

Example: Thomas Müller. Not the fastest, not the most tech-savvy. But always first and last on the training ground. Outcome? Indispensable

6. The “Innovation Incubator”

Innovation does not arise in tactical meetings, but in training. A study by the Cologne Sports University shows that the teams that entered the knock-out rounds at the 2010 soccer World Cup had on average more creative features in their penultimate passes than the teams that were eliminated in the preliminary round. This suggests that creative moves rehearsed during training are decisive for success.

Example: Pep Guardiola's position game. Created through hours of meticulous training. Unthinkable without full participation.

Now you're thinking, “Sounds good, but how do I implement it?” That's where B42 comes in. This revolutionary soccer platform puts an end to excuses and chaos. Training planning, attendance control, performance analysis, gamification — all in one app.

Do you want the decisive advantage for your team? Then sign up for B42 now for free. No risk, no obligation. Just a chance to take your team to the next level. Because in the end, it is not the most talented who win, but the most disciplined. And with B42, discipline is child's play.

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  • Dr. Kristin Seiler, Bundeswehr University Munich. “Sports psychology: interpreting non-verbal communication”
  • Kucuk, H. (2024). Investigation of sport participation motivation and psychological resilience in football players. Journal of ROL Sports Sciences, 5 (1), 30—40.
  • Marcelino R, Sampaio J, Amichay G, Goncalves B, Couzin ID, Nagy M (2020) Collective Movement Analysis Reveals Coordination Tactics of Team Players in Football Matches. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals
  • Jokuschies, N., Weidig, T., Röthlin, P. & Birrer, D. (2012). Mental strength in soccer. Competitive sport, 42 (5), 15-19.
  • Memmert, D. (2015). Development of Tactical Creativity in Sports
  • Memmert, D., Roca, A. Anticipation and Decision Making in Sport (pp.201-214)
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